Work Talents -- Business Athlete “Short Term Goals”
A short-term goal is something that you can act on today.
It can be a measurable goal as well, but it should be actionable today.
A short-term goal could be as long as three months.
For Example:
• A marketing director may have a goal of having the new marketing project up and running within one month.
• A technology team may have an evaluation of the future through forecasting to set up short term goals within different segments of a company.
An important thing to understand is that it is an ongoing process, you can set up a new short-term goal every time you achieve your current short-term goal. Hence, it becomes a continuous process. It is important to Note:
• You must only have a handful of short-term goals at once to complete to avoid losing interest.
• A limited number of short-term goals will also make them actionable and therefore under your control.
• Every short-term goal must be done in the present.
What is the purpose of a Short-term goal?
• The idea of short-term goals is to identify things that you can improve on and better yourself.
• Improving yourself will allow you to stay motivated for your business or work.
• Being highly engaged in your work will help you improve and open bigger career opportunities.
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